Keep Safe Care Direct offers its clients the ability to print and submit their online care plans for Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) reimbursement via our system. The first thing you must do is make sure your LTCI information in entered and complete on our site. To do that, click the Care View link on the left hand navigation panel.
Then click the Long Term Insurance tab. There you will see the information you need to enter. If your insurer did not give you a Keep Safe Care provider number, you may have to ask them for one in order to get reimbursed. Once you have completed this form, you can now submit your reimbursement claims.
Now, navigate to Finances on the left hand navigation panel. Once you are in Finances, then navigate to the Insurance Reimbursement tab.
Once you are at Insurance Reimbursement, you will see a drop-down section where you can select any week you received care to get reimbursed by generating a form. To do this:
- Highlight the week you want to receive reimbursement for
- Click the PREVIEW button to generate the form online
- Click the PRINT button to print
- If you choose to print to a PDF (so you can email the form to your insurance provider, Keep Safe Care generates the form at “Insurance Reimbursement.pdf” and you might want to change the name prior to generating a download.
- To recover the “Insurance Reimbursement.pdf” document, navigate to your Downloads section on you computer. You might also want to change the name here to identify which week of care you are requesting reimbursement.
- This is an example of what your Long Term Care – Daily Visits notes and Care Log will look like (click picture below to enlarge).
Hope you find these instructions informative and helpful.