Also referred to as live-in home care, live-in care refers to care provided by a Caregiver around the clock and who spends the night with the Careseeker, but is able to sleep during the night. Although the Caregiver’s sleep may need to be interrupted at night to assist with a possible bathroom visit or another need for the client, they are guaranteed adequate nightly sleep and down-time each evening. For safety concerns, live-in care is not right for everyone.  If a Careseeker is not able to call for help during the night, a live-in Caregiver is not appropriate, since the Caregiver may be sleeping.  Instead you should hire a Caregiver for overnight care.

The Caregiver also prepares and shares in the meals with the Careseeker. The Caregiver does not actually “move-in” and live with the client. The Caregiver is typically given a designated amount of time off each week and month (i.e., one weekend each month or longer). Upon taking time off from their assignment, a replacement or “fill-in” live-in Caregiver is provided to cover the assignment until the primary Caregiver returns.

WP Glossary Term Usage